Source code for
This file is located in the toolbox/demo folder in VLFeat package.
% VL_DEMO_GMM_2D_RAND Demonstrate clustering points with a GMM %% Create a random set of points numPoints = 5000 ; dimension = 2 ; numClusters = 20 ; data = rand(dimension, numPoints) ; %% Learn a GMM: fit the points at maximum likelihood vl_twister('state',0) ; [means, covariances, priors] = ... vl_gmm(data, numClusters, ... 'MaxNumIterations', 1000, ... 'Verbose') ; figure(1) ; clf ; hold on plot(data(1,:),data(2,:),'r.'); for i=1:numClusters vl_plotframe([means(:,i)' covariances(1,i) 0 covariances(2,i)], ... 'Color','blue','LineWidth',2); end title('GMM: Gaussian mixture initialized choosing random points') ; axis equal ; axis off ; vl_demo_print('gmm_2d_rand',0.6);