Table of Contents
This tutorial shows how to estiamte Gaussian mixture model using the VlFeat implementation of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm.
A GMM is a collection of $K$ Gaussian distribution. Each distribution is called a mode of the GMM and represents a cluster of data points. In computer vision applications, GMM are often used to model dictionaries of visual words. One important application is the computation of Fisher vectors encodings.
Learning a GMM with expectation maximization
Consider a dataset containing 1000 randomly sampled 2D points:
numPoints = 1000 ; dimension = 2 ; data = rand(dimension,N) ;
The goal is to fit a GMM to this data. This can be obtained by
running the vl_gmm function, implementing
the EM algorithm.
numClusters = 30 ; [means, covariances, priors] = vl_gmm(data, numClusters) ;
Here means,
priors are respectively the means $\mu_k$, diagonal
covariance matrices $\Sigma_k$, and prior probabilities $\pi_k$ of
numClusters Gaussian modes.
These modes can be visualized on the 2D plane by plotting ellipses
corresponding to the equation:
\{ \bx: (\bx-\mu_k)^\top \Sigma_k^{-1} (\bx-\mu_k) = 1 \}
for each of the modes. To this end, we can use
the vl_plotframe:
figure ; hold on ; plot(data(1,:),data(2,:),'r.') ; for i=1:numClusters vl_plotframe([means(:,i)' sigmas(1,i) 0 sigmas(2,i)]); end
This results in the figure:
Diagonal covariance restriction
Note that the ellipses in the previous example are axis
alligned. This is a restriction of the vl_gmm
implementation that imposes covariance matrices to be diagonal.
This is suitable for most computer vision applications, where estimating a full covariance matrix would be prohebitive due to the relative high dimensionality of the data. For example, when clustering SIFT features, the data has dimension 128, and each full covariance matrix would contain more than 8k parameters.
For this reason, it is sometimes desirable to globally decorrelated the data before learning a GMM mode. This can be obtained by pre-multiplying the data by the inverse of a square root of its covariance.
Initializing a GMM model before running EM
The EM algorithm is a local optimization method, and hence
particularly sensitive to the initialization of the model. The
simplest way to initiate the GMM is to pick numClusters
data points at random as mode means, initialize the individual
covariances as the covariance of the data, and assign equa prior
probabilities to the modes. This is the default initialization
method used by
Alternatively, a user can specifiy manually the initial paramters
of the GMM model by using the custom initalization
method. To do so, set
'Initialization' option to
'Custom' and
also the options
'InitCovariances' and
'IniPriors' to the desired values.
A common approach to obtain an initial value for these parameters is to run KMeans first, as demonstrated in the following code snippet:
numClusters = 30; numData = 1000; dimension = 2; data = rand(dimension,numData); % Run KMeans to pre-cluster the data [initMeans, assignments] = vl_kmeans(data, numClusters, ... 'Algorithm','Lloyd', ... 'MaxNumIterations',5); initCovariances = zeros(dimension,numClusters); initPriors = zeros(1,numClusters); % Find the initial means, covariances and priors for i=1:numClusters data_k = data(:,assignments==i); initPriors(i) = size(data_k,2) / numClusters; if size(data_k,1) == 0 || size(data_k,2) == 0 initCovariances(:,i) = diag(cov(data')); else initCovariances(:,i) = diag(cov(data_k')); end end % Run EM starting from the given parameters [means,covariances,priors,ll,posteriors] = vl_gmm(data, numClusters, ... 'initialization','custom', ... 'InitMeans',initMeans, ... 'InitCovariances',initCovariances, ... 'InitPriors',initPriors);
The demo scripts vl_demo_gmm_2d
vl_demo_gmm_3d also produce cute colorized figures
such as these: