VLFeat includes a basic implementation of k-means clustering and hierarchical k-means clustering. They are designed to be lightweight in order to work on large datasets. In particular, they assume that the data are vectors of unsigned chars (one byte). While this is limiting for some application, it works well for clustering image descriptors, where very high precision is usually unnecessary. For more details, see the Integer k-means API reference.
Integer k-means (IKM) is run by the command
vl_ikmeans. In order to demonstrate the usage of this
command, we sample 1000 random points in the
integer square and use
vl_ikmeans to get k=3
K = 3 ; data = uint8(rand(2,1000) * 255) ; [C,A] = vl_ikmeans(data,K) ;
The program returns both the cluster centers C and the
data-to-cluster assignments
A. By means of the cluster
C we can project more data on the same clusters
datat = uint8(rand(2,10000) * 255) ; AT = vl_ikmeanspush(datat,C) ;
In order to visualize the results, we associate to each cluster a color and we plot the points:
cl = get(gca,'ColorOrder') ; ncl = size(cl,1) ; for k=1:K sel = find(A == k) ; selt = find(AT == k) ; plot(data(1,sel), data(2,sel), '.',... 'Color',cl(mod(k,ncl)+1,:)) ; hold on ; plot(datat(1,selt),datat(2,selt),'+',... 'Color',cl(mod(k,ncl)+1,:)) ; end
k=3 clusters represented with
different colors. The clusters have been estimated from 1000 points
(displayed as dots). Then 10000 different points have been projected on
the same clusters (displayed as crosses). The three big markers
represent the cluster centers.
VLFeat supports two different implementations of k-means. While
they produce identical output, the Elkan method requires fewer
distance computations. The method parameters controls
which method is used. Consider the case when
K=100 and our
data is now 128 dimensional (e.g. SIFT descriptors):
K=100; data = uint8(rand(128,10000) * 255); tic; [C,A] = vl_ikmeans(data,K,'method', 'lloyd') ; % default t_lloyd = toc tic; [C,A] = vl_ikmeans(data,K,'method', 'elkan') ; t_elkan = toc t_lloyd = 10.2884 t_elkan = 5.1405