MatConvNet: CNNs for MATLAB

MatConvNet is a MATLAB toolbox implementing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for computer vision applications. It is simple, efficient, and can run and learn state-of-the-art CNNs. Many pre-trained CNNs for image classification, segmentation, face recognition, and text detection are available.

New: 1.0-beta25 released with a new modular system vl_contrib for third-party contributions. A partial rewrite of the C++ code and support for recent CuDNN versions is also included.

New: 1.0-beta24 released with bugfixes, new examples, and utility functions.

New: 1.0-beta23 released with vl_nnroipool and a Fast-RCNN demo.

New: 1.0-beta22 released with a few bugfixes.

Obtaining MatConvNet



Getting started

Use cases

Other information